Turnover: 65 million EUR (2023)

Country: France

The company in question is a well-established, multi-generational, family-run business with a focus on the sea.

Since 1932, the company has been manufacturing top-of-the-range canned fish products, which are distributed through an integrated distribution network of over 80 outlets.

The company's brand is renowned for its values of authenticity and innovation, and is based on traditional culinary know-how combined with an innovative approach.

Studies mentioning this company

The fish and seafood market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Alphaprim
  • Pomona Groupe (Passion Froid)
  • Les pêcheries de la Côtinière
  • Delpierre (Labeyrie Groupe)
  • Alliance O
  • SCAPP (Poissonnier Corail)
  • Delmas poissons et marée
  • Marine SA
  • Vivafysh (Vivalya)
  • Sysco Groupe - Davigel
  • Leroy Sea Food
  • Pure Salmon
  • Grand Frais (Prosol)
  • Terrazur (Pomona groupe)
  • Sathoan
  • Cinq Degrés Ouest 5DO
  • King Lobsters
  • Escal Sea Food
  • Française de Gastronomie
  • Grieg Sea Food group
  • France Haliotis
  • Sapmer
  • Audelor
  • Conserverie la Belle-Iloise
  • Saupiquet (Bolton alimentari Group)
  • La Compagnie Bretonne du Poisson
  • MerAlliance groupe
  • Le Graët Groupe
  • Luximer
  • Océan Delice
  • Compagnie des Pêches Saint Malo
  • Bolton Group: Rio Mare, Palmera, Simmenthal
  • France Pélagique
  • Nautilus Food
  • R&O SeaFood Gatronomy- Reynaud
  • Cermaq (Mitsubishi Corp)
  • Mowi Group
  • Marine Harvest Kristen (Mowi group)
  • Aquafrais (Fish group)
  • SN Trading
  • Morisseau Maison
  • Olala cosmetics - EQAM
  • Saumon de France
  • Groix et Nature
  • Food4Good
  • Compagnie des pêches de Saint-Malo
  • Cultimer
  • Chancerelle Conserverie
  • Océalliance
  • Seafoodia
  • Mericq Groupe
The canning market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • ArcelorMittal
  • Constellium
  • Bonduelle Groupe
  • Labeyrie
  • Petit Navire (Paul Paulet)
  • Massilly
  • Conserverie la Belle-Iloise
  • Les Vergers de Gascogne
  • Gendreau Groupe
  • St Mamet Distribution (Intermarché ITM)
  • Rochefontaine
  • Chancerelle Conserverie
  • Eviosys