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Country: France

The ORPEA Group is one of Europe's leading providers of comprehensive care for the elderly. One of its subsidiaries, CLINEA, is a private hospital group developing a range of care services through a network of healthcare establishments throughout France and Switzerland.

The multi-purpose and specialized SSR clinics (Soins de Suite et de Réadaptation, SSR, Polyvalents et Spécialisés) welcome people in convalescence requiring medical follow-up and care.these clinics provide medical follow-up, re-education and rehabilitation care following surgery or an acute episode of a chronic illness.

Psychiatric clinics provide inpatient care for adults and, in some cases, children suffering from mental illness.

The CLINEA group has developed its care offering to keep pace with the evolution of pathologies and their treatment

The SSR sector is undergoing continuous development, in which the CLINEA group is taking part by opening new structures or renovating old ones.

Studies mentioning this company

The private clinic market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Ramsay Générale de Santé
  • Elsan Groupe
  • SantéCité Groupe
  • Vivalto Santé
  • Orpéa
  • Clinéa (Orpea Groupe)
The market for psychiatric clinics - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Ramsay Générale de Santé
  • Inicea
  • Sinoué Groupe
  • Les Cliniques de Saujon
  • Clinique la Brière
  • Maison De Santé De Nogent-Sur-Marne
  • Clinique Saint-Vincent De Paul
  • Clinique Ker Yonnec
  • Orpéa
  • Clinéa (Orpea Groupe)
  • Vivalto Santé
  • GHU Paris