Turnover: 82.7 million EUR (2021)

Country: Italy

The Amadori Group is an Italian agribusiness group located in San Vittore di Cesena. Today it is one of the largest Italian companies in the sector; a specialist in the poultry sector it is extending its offerings to the whole field of proteins: white, pink and green. The Ripro-Coop Agricultural Cooperative Society is part of the group and specializes in poultry production.

Studies mentioning this company

The poultry market - Italy

Other companies mentioned:

  • O.R.A. Società agricola S.r.l.
  • Società agricola Fileni S.r.l.
  • Società agricola Prealpina S.r.l.
  • Società cooperativa agricola Ripro-Coop (Amadori)

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