Turnover: ()

Country: France

The company is a group specializing in travel distribution in France. It offers a wide variety of products, from vacations to business trips.

The group was formed from the merger of two distribution networks (Selectour and Afat) in 2010, and retains their independence.

1,200 agencies are members of Selectour.

Studies mentioning this company

The tour package market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Kuoni France (DER Touristik Group)
  • Exotismes
  • Havas Voyages
  • Lastminute.com
  • Lookea (TUI Group)
  • Fram Karavel
  • Leclerc Voyages
  • GOvoyages (eDreams Odigeo Group)
  • Promovacances Karavel
  • Selectour
  • Carrefour Voyages
  • Vacances Transat
  • TUI France
  • Voyageurs du Monde Groupe
  • La Française des Circuits
  • Jet tours