Turnover: EUR ()

Country: France

The Permis UP network offers an innovative double-pedal car rental service to make it easier for young drivers to learn to drive a B licence.

The network offers an offer aimed at young people, students and more generally at anyone wishing to save money when they take their driving licence. Permis UP allows you to take your licence at a lower cost and in a personalised way

The UP permit network is made up of 5 agencies in the Paris region, in Alfortville, Malakoff, Clamart, Villejuif and Livry Gargan. It is also possible to pick up a vehicle in Paris.

Studies mentioning this company

The market for dual-order cars - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Permis Malin
  • Double Commande
  • DLM Location
  • Permis UP
  • E-came
  • Caroline Charbonnier
  • Peheja BV
  • Ornikar
  • En Voiture Simone
  • Sojadis Equipement
  • Otto occasions

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