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Country: France

Noglu is a company specialized in gluten-free, organic and local cuisine, created 10 years ago

The Noglu team, headed by Frédérique Jules, a sports dietician and gluten and lactose intolerant, works in collaboration with dedicated chefs and pastry chefs to develop delicious recipes accessible to all.

Noglu has even had the honor of having its pastry chefs commissioned by the Élysée Palace

Studies mentioning this company

The gluten-free food market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Nutrition & Santé Groupe
  • ABCD Nutrition
  • Dr Schär
  • La vie Claire
  • Biscuiterie de Provence
  • Ekibio (Groupe Lea Biodiversité)
  • Bio c' Bon
  • Allergoora
  • Nature & Cie
  • Barilla
  • Aglina Paradeigma
  • Soreda Diet - BioRévola
  • Céliane
  • Genius Gluten Free
  • Jardin Bio (Léa Nature)
  • Le Pain des Fleurs
  • Ekibio - Ma Vie Sans Gluten
  • Max de Génie
  • No Gluten Pro - Allergonline
  • Noglu
  • Valpiform - Nutrition et Santé groupe