Turnover: 81000 EUR (2018)

Country: France

MYConcierge is an assistance service that provides its members with organization time to make their daily lives easier.
The company assigns a personal Concierge, who is the sole point of contact at all times. From the vaguest wish to the wildest dream, MYConcierge always has an idea in mind to make the customer's requests come true. He shares his confidential and trendy addresses in the most extravagant or secret places. He points out the rarest events and can even imagine for the scenario the customer desires.Sales of 81,000 euros are valid for MYConcierge in Paris for the year 2018.

july 29, 2018 - MYConcierge keeps its high-end look - source(Le Parisien)

  • MYConcierge is one of the conciergeries to retain its luxury service image
  • High entry ticket from €1,200 per year for 5d/7 from 9am to 7pm and up to 4,800e for 24/7 service

Financial Data

DUNS: 834177578


Address: 16 RUE VICTOR MASSE , 75009 PARIS 9

Financial Data:

Year Turnover (€) Net Profit (€) Fiscal Year End Fiscal Year Duration
2018 81 062 EUR 5 779 EUR 31/12/2018 13

Company Managers:

Position First Name Last Name Age Linkedin
Directeur Général Yves Abitbol

Studies mentioning this company

The concierge market - France

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