Turnover: 1.291 billion EUR (2019)

Country: France

MSD France is the French subsidiary of the American pharmaceutical company Merck Sharp, founded in 1961 ) . In France, the company has 5 sites.

MSD France develops, produces and markets several types of products in many fields, such as oncology, infectious diseases, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, neurosciences, rheumatology, gastrology and women's health.

MSD France products include the Nexplanon contraceptive implant, the Cérazette contraceptive pill and the Nuvaring vaginal ring.

Financial Data

DUNS: 417890589

Address: 10 CRS MICHELET 10-12, 92800 PUTEAUX

Number of employees: Entre 1 000 et 1 999 salariés (2017)

Capital: 147 824 EUR

Financial Data:

Year Turnover (€) Net Profit (€) Fiscal Year End Fiscal Year Duration
2019 1 290 810 224 EUR 45 771 997 EUR 31/12/2019 12
2018 1 229 415 885 EUR 39 048 577 EUR 31/12/2018 12
2017 1 339 746 454 EUR 30 862 340 EUR 31/12/2017 12

Company Managers:

Position First Name Last Name Age Linkedin
Président Clarisse JACOB 51
Directeur général Yannick JEGOU 54

Studies mentioning this company

The contraceptive market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Laboratoires Majorelle
  • Bayer France
  • MSD France
  • Effik France
  • Reckitt Bencksider France
  • LifeStyles Europe
  • Laboratoire 7 Med
  • Laboratoire CCD

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