Turnover: 21.1 million USD (2021)

Country: Netherlands

Mosa Meat is a company that focuses on the production of lab-grown meat, aiming to meet the growing demand for meat without the negative impacts on the environment, animal welfare and human health. In 2013, the Mosa Meat team produced the world's first cultured meat burger, which cost 250,000 euros. Since then, the company has worked to reduce costs and improve the scale of production.

Mosa Meat plans to launch its product on the market in the next few years, at a price competitive with conventional meat. The company has raised $85 million in funding to further develop its technology and start large-scale production.

Studies mentioning this company

The market for synthetic meat - Italy

Other companies mentioned:

  • Upside Foods
  • Aleph Farms
  • BlueNalu
  • MosaMeat

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