Turnover: 18.8 million EUR (2023)

Country: France

  • Energy production and distribution equipment
  • Electrolyser and hydrogen station
  • Listed company


McPhy signs a major contract in Germany for the supply of electrolysers 18/12/2023

  • The company has won a contract in Germany valued at 60 million euros.
  • This is the largest contract ever signed by the company.
  • The company expects sales of 20 million euros in 2023, 36 million euros in 2024 and 71 million euros in 2025.

McPhy announces a 56% increase in order book by 2022 25/01/2023

  • In 2022, Group sales are expected to reach 16 million euros, compared with 13.1 million euros in 2021
  • Sales of electrolyzers accounted for 68% of sales
  • with the remainder coming from the supply of hydrogen filling stations
  • Order book at 31.3 million euros at December 31

Hydrogen: McPhy changes dimension 10/11/2022

  • A site in Grenoble
  • A second site in Belfort, in 2024
  • McPhy inaugurates new Grenoble plant
  • Industrial-scale production of new-generation alkaline electrolyzers (120 to 150 units per year)
  • By 2030, the site is expected to employ 450 people

Financial Data

DUNS: 502205917



Number of employees: Entre 20 et 49 salariés (2020)

Capital: 3 352 691 EUR

Financial Data:

Year 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Turnover 10 405 318 9 765 843 5 805 448 2 930 864 2 763 694 1 788 701 909 214
Gross margin (€) 10 865 024 7 953 748 11 533 349 2 548 251 4 280 299 4 436 008 -
EBITDA (€) -12 713 492 -6 971 293 22 988 252 -6 647 209 -5 113 479 -5 334 373 -
Operating profit (€) -15 082 930 -7 552 253 23 656 333 -7 856 684 -5 803 692 -6 442 774 -
Net profit (€) -20 386 297 -10 327 116 -5 407 976 -12 183 161 -7 077 192 -9 217 275 -11 071 139
Turnover growth rate (%) 6,5 68,2 98,1 6 54,5 96,7 -
Ebitda margin rate (%) -122,2 -71,4 396 -226,8 -185 -298,2 -
Operating margin rate (%) -145 -77,3 407,5 -268,1 -210 -360,2 -
Working Capital (turnover days) -389,6 -103 127,9 -108,7 -28,4 -139,5 -
Working Capital requirements (turnover days) -176,2 62,9 149,4 -81,5 -279,3 -347,2 -
Net margin (%) -195,9 -105,7 -93,2 -415,7 -256,1 -515,3 -
Added value / Turnover (%) -60,4 -27,2 263,2 -129,8 -81,5 -280,9 -
Wages and social charges (€) 6 222 131 4 723 272 -3 761 756 3 028 696 2 903 001 - -
Salaries / Turnover (%) 59,8 48,4 -64,8 103,3 105 - -

Company Managers:

Position First Name Last Name Age Linkedin
Président du conseil d'administration Luc POYER 57
Directeur général Jean-Baptiste Samuel LUCAS 53
Administrateur Pascal MAUBERGER 67
Administrateur Luc POYER 57
Administrateur Myriam Yvette MAESTRONI 57
Administrateur Emmanuelle Claude Marie SALLES 44
Administrateur Eleonore Marie Catherine JODER 55
Administrateur Jean-Marc Denis LECHENE 65

Studies mentioning this company

The magazine market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Reworld Media
  • Prisma Media (Vivendi Groupe)
  • CMI France
  • Cafeyn Group
  • McPhy
  • Le Figaro - Gala
  • Bertelsmann
  • Reporters Sans Frontières
  • Rossel La Voix Groupe
  • Media Participations
  • Bayard Presse Groupe
  • Unimédias (Crédit Agricole groupe)
  • Éditions Philippe Amaury
  • Fleurus Presse
  • Milan Presse (Bayard Groupe)
  • L'Obs
  • Le Point
  • Le Monde Diplomatique
  • Sciences et Avenir
  • L'Express
  • Les Inrockuptibles (LNEI)
  • Valmonde - Valeurs Actuelles
  • Marianne Magazine
The hydrogen stations market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Atawey
  • McPhy
  • Air Liquide
  • Hydrogen Refueling Solutions HRS
  • Engie Solutions
  • Hysetco
  • Hynamics
  • Mahytec (Hensold Group)
  • OPmobility Plastic Omnium Groupe
  • OPmobility Plastic Omnium Groupe
  • Roth2