Turnover: ()

Country: France

  • French specialist in fire detection for home security
  • Lifebox claims a leading position in the market for packaged solutions.
  • Lifebox is a manufacturer of stand-alone smoke detectors, with an estimated 25% market share in France.

Financial Data

DUNS: 804754570

Legal Name: LB II

Address: 98 RUE DE VERDUN , 92800 PUTEAUX

Number of employees: 0 salarié (2020)

Capital: 170 625 EUR

Financial Data:

Year 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Turnover - - - - 13 310 785
Gross margin (€) - - - - 9 329 764
EBITDA (€) - - - - 897 939
Operating profit (€) - - - - 228 830
Net profit (€) 776 675 -288 578 -421 645 -47 139 128 915
Turnover growth rate (%) - - - - -
Ebitda margin rate (%) - - - - 6,7
Operating margin rate (%) - - - - 1,7
Working Capital (turnover days) - - - - 4,1
Working Capital requirements (turnover days) - - - - 8,9
Net margin (%) - - - - 1
Added value / Turnover (%) - - - - 16,6
Wages and social charges (€) - - - - 1 226 855
Salaries / Turnover (%) - - - - 9,2

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