Turnover: ()

Country: France

Livestock and Meat Interprofessional Association


The French are eating less and less horsemeat 09/12/2022

  • In 2005, there were 1,035 horse butcheries in France, with just 307 left in 2018 (Fédération de la Boucherie Hippophagique de France)
  • the number of horses killed in slaughterhouses has fallen sharply, with just 5,252 animals in 2021, compared with over 20,000 in 2013
  • france exported 5,207 live horses for slaughter

Studies mentioning this company

The meat market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Cooperl Arc Atlantique
  • Bigard groupe
  • Maïsadour
  • LDC Groupe
  • Bouchers Services Groupe Codéviande
  • Interbev
  • Terrena (Coopérative)
  • Charal
  • Saglam France
  • Solina
  • Socopa (Bigard Groupe)
  • Sicarev
  • Kermené (E Leclerc)
  • Guasch Viandes
  • Boucheries Nivernaises
  • Novoviande