Turnover: 1.118 million EUR (2016)

Country: France

Simplified management platform for influencer campaigns on social networks

Studies mentioning this company

The market of influencers - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Reech
  • Jin
  • Woô
  • Junto
  • Follow
  • Influence4you
  • Influenzzz
  • Bump Agency
  • Miniprod
  • Agence Influenceur
  • Trends Paris
  • Tanke
  • Magnave
  • Beastly
  • Dire
  • We Are Influence
  • Tibo Inshape - D2AM
  • Findly Influentia
  • Avisa Partnerts
  • Bump Squeezie
  • Influencia
  • Trainsweateat
  • Stéphane Bouillet, founder of Influence4You