Turnover: ()

Country: United States

Google Play is a service marketing applications as well as on-demand music and movies/series. Google Play was created in 2012 following the merger of Google Movies, Google Music and Android Market. Movies can be purchased individually on the platform permanently or rented for a pre-determined period.

october 2, 2020 - Google Play ahead of Apple Store - Source(France 24)

  • Subscriptions and single-app purchases on the Google Play Store increased by 34% to reach $10.3 billion net.
  • Play Store growth exploded with 28.3 billion installations, up 31% over the year.
  • Google Play generated $8.5 billion in revenues, up 30.8% over the year.

Financial Data

DUNS: 443061841


Address: 8 RUE DE LONDRES , 75009 PARIS

Number of employees: Entre 500 et 999 salariés (2021)

Capital: 1 000 000 EUR

Financial Data:

Year 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Turnover 592 480 368 567 516 085 483 033 598 411 016 329 325 554 124 299 301 917 247 938 438
Gross margin (€) 592 513 154 567 516 085 483 088 492 412 210 323 325 971 706 300 294 193 247 973 438
EBITDA (€) 113 677 293 136 168 720 77 171 699 74 355 761 64 173 754 68 178 203 35 335 715
Operating profit (€) 96 402 045 116 414 540 58 032 956 55 886 023 46 956 683 48 409 006 22 733 346
Net profit (€) 80 405 308 85 985 488 -539 868 050 29 327 087 25 535 981 24 925 482 12 213 072
Turnover growth rate (%) 4,4 17,5 17,5 26,3 8,8 20,7 -
Ebitda margin rate (%) 19,2 24 16 18,1 19,7 22,8 14,3
Operating margin rate (%) 16,3 20,5 12 13,6 14,4 16,2 9,2
Working Capital (turnover days) 13,1 -5,9 -110,1 -94,4 -77,1 -77,8 -82,9
Working Capital requirements (turnover days) -39,6 -25 -36,8 -54 -36,5 -28,6 -37,5
Net margin (%) 13,6 15,2 -111,8 7,1 7,8 8,3 4,9
Added value / Turnover (%) 73 77,9 69,3 65,2 71,6 74,2 70,1
Wages and social charges (€) 304 544 810 291 246 940 244 200 297 183 243 466 159 359 722 144 769 421 131 099 640
Salaries / Turnover (%) 51,4 51,3 50,6 44,6 49 48,4 52,9

Company Managers:

Position First Name Last Name Age Linkedin
Gérant Paul Manicle 48
Gérant Kenneth, H. Yi 54

Studies mentioning this company

The svod market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Netflix
  • Prime Vido (Amazon)
  • Google Play
  • Filmo TV
  • VideoFutur
  • Canal Plus Groupe (MyCanal)
  • France Télévision
  • Orange Groupe
  • SFR (SFR Play)
  • Free (Iliad)
  • TF1 Groupe
  • Apple TV
  • M6 Groupe