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Country: France

The GHU Paris is a hospital grouping together the Sainte-Anne, Maison Blanche and Perray Vaucluse hospitals, which on January 1, 2019 became the leading Parisian hospital for mental illness and the nervous system.

It employs 5,600 people, including 600 doctors, and has a budget of €420 million.

GHU Paris welcomes 60,000 Parisian users every year, and offers care in the fields of psychiatry, neuroscience, forensic medicine, psycho-social rehabilitation, addiction and recovery, psychotherapy, precariousness and addictions.

GHU Paris is also involved in teaching and research in the fields of mental health and neurosciences.

Studies mentioning this company

The market for psychiatric clinics - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Ramsay Générale de Santé
  • Inicea
  • Sinoué Groupe
  • Les Cliniques de Saujon
  • Clinique la Brière
  • Maison De Santé De Nogent-Sur-Marne
  • Clinique Saint-Vincent De Paul
  • Clinique Ker Yonnec
  • Orpéa
  • Clinéa (Orpea Groupe)
  • Vivalto Santé
  • GHU Paris

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