Turnover: 450 million EUR (2023)

Country: France

  • The company, founded in 2010, markets funeral-related structures, products and services.
  • The Funécap group, which owns the Pompes Funèbres Pascal Leclerc brand, has acquired the Roc Eclerc franchise network.
  • The group has over 700 branches, 180 funeral complexes, operates 55,000 funeral convoys a year and covers 55,000 people in provident insurance.
  • The group's annual growth rate is 15-20%
  • Its capital includes the British investment fund Charterhouse, a major investor in services in France.
  • 2,500 employees

Studies mentioning this company

The funeral market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • OGF
  • Funécap groupe
  • Pompes Funèbres Pascal Leclerc (Funecap)
  • Roc Eclerc
  • Le choix Funéraire
  • Sérenium (OGF)
  • Services Funéraires Ville de Paris
  • Lassurance.obsèques.fr
  • Rebillon (Funecap)
  • En sa mémoire
  • La Maison des Obsèques (vyv Groupe)
  • Sorenir
  • Comitam
The mourning flower market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Agora
  • DEXX
  • France Fleurs
  • Emova Groupe - Monceau Fleur
  • Florajet
  • Interflora France
  • Aquarelle Fleurs
  • Flora Nova
  • Funécap groupe
  • Le choix Funéraire
  • Sérenium (OGF)