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Country: France

FAC-HABITAT is a non-profit association under the law of 1901, founded in 1985 to provide residential accommodation for students, young people under 30, researchers and teachers.

It manages almost 12,000 units in 100 residences in several university towns across France. Their partnership with social landlords enables them to provide housing ranging from studio to T2 apartments, with entitlement to social assistance.

FAC-HABITAT has branches all over France to meet customers' needs.

Studies mentioning this company

The student residence market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Les Crous
  • Nexity
  • Résidence Etude Les Estudiantines
  • Immojeune
  • Studélites
  • Arpej
  • Campusea (Gecina)
  • Fac-Habitat
  • Espacil
  • Suitétudes
  • Capétudes
  • Kley groupe
  • Cap'Études
  • CIUP Cité internationale universitaire de Paris
  • Fac Habitat
  • NEMEA Appart'Etud (Nemea groupe)
  • Cardinal Groupe
  • Youfirst