Turnover: ()

Country: France

Excelrise Investissements specializes in transforming companies into market leaders. Their aim is to help companies grow by implementing innovative growth strategies and improving their operational performance.

Excelrise Investissements is a private investment holding company, wholly owned by its team members. Unlike a traditional investment fund, they are not subject to legal, financial or liquidity constraints, enabling them to support projects over the long term, with great flexibility of intervention.

Studies mentioning this company

The situation funds market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • H.I.G. Europe
  • Butler Capital Partners
  • FCDE
  • Aryes
  • Alandia Industries
  • Andera Partners
  • Ardian
  • EIM Capital
  • Excelrise Investment
  • Siparex
  • Hivest Capital
  • Impala Holding
  • Open Gate Capital
  • Prudentia Capital
  • Renaissance Capital
  • UI Investment