Turnover: 135 million EUR (2023)
Country: France
EM Lyon Business School is present in France, Morocco, China and India, and is triple accredited by EQUIS, AMBA and ACCSB. It offers Bachelor's, Grande Ecole and MBA/Master's programs.
Opening of a new campus in Lyon in 2024 (budget 115 million)
The 4th best Grande Ecole de Commerce in France.
6 campuses in Paris, Shanghai, Mumbai
Over 45,000 graduates
The group was acquired by the Qualium fund and then by Galileo Global Education, the European leader in private higher education, 40% owned by Téthys Invest - family office of the Bettencourt-Meyers family.

New emlyon campus ready to welcome students 07/12/2023
- 30,000 square meter building
- Emlyon invested 150 million euros
- The building can accommodate 7,800 learners and supervisors

Galileo replaces Qualium as a shareholder in emlyon 07/09/2022
- the giant Galileo Global Education (GGE), Europe's leading provider of private higher education, 40% owned by Téthys Invest - family office of the Bettencourt-Meyers family - buys out the stake held by the Qualium investment fund
- New shareholders such as Institut Mérieux are also set to join the school's capital.
- The CCI Lyon Métropole (Chamber of Commerce and Industry) remains emlyon's majority shareholder.
- in 2019, the school's status will change from that of an association to that of a limited company (Société Anonyme), following Qualium's entry into the capital.
- Qualium injected €40 million of the €100 million announced
- 2020: 9 million in losses
- The GGE group joins the school with a capital of 50 million euros.
- Galileo is Europe's largest private higher education group, with 54 schools in 13 different countries, for a total of almost 90 campuses and 170,000 students.
- In particular, the group owns Paris School of Business (PSB), ESG (ESG Luxe, ESG RH, ESG Finance, etc.), Web School Factory, Cours Florent and Studi.
- Téthys Invest (family office of the Bettencourt-Meyers family) owns 40% of Galileo.
- The GGE group has also acquired theEdTechStudi, founded by Pierre Charvet. Studi , an online Grande Ecole
- By 2021, the school will have generated sales of over 60 million euros, with a net profit of almost 15 million euros.
Studies mentioning this company

Other companies mentioned:
- HEC Paris
- ESCP Europe
- EM Lyon
- EDHEC Business School
- Grenoble Ecole de Management
- Audencia
- SKEMA Business School
- Kedge Business School
- NEOMA Business School
- Rennes School of Business
- Montpellier Business School
- Iéseg
- Galileo Global Éducation System
- EM Normandie
- ESCE (Omnes education)
- ESC Pau
- EM Strasbourg
- Omnes Education- Inseec
- Ionis education
- TBS Education - Toulouse Business School
- Eduservices Groupe
- Excelia group
- Oxytalis
- ESC Clermont (Ecole de Commerce ce Clermont)