Turnover: EUR ()

Country: France

The company employs hairdressers and dispatches them to customers' homes according to demand.

Domicile Beauté is a home hairdressing company based in Nice, created in 2000. Following its merger with Procades, the company now has over 400 employees throughout France. Domicile Beauté is currently recruiting to expand its network. Domicile Beauté's main selling point is that it offers higher remuneration than its competitors: from 58% to 67% gross of the hairdresser's sales before tax.

Domicile Beauté also emphasizes that the hairdresser has no outlay to start up his or her business, and stresses the total autonomy offered (including the choice of working hours). In 2015, Domicile Beauté established itself as the number 2 home hairdresser in France.

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