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Country: France

Contrex is a mineral water brand owned by Nestlé Waters, the water division of the Swiss Nestlé group. It is famous for offering a natural mineral water rich in minerals, thanks to its unique composition of Calcium and Magnesium.

Studies mentioning this company

The bottled water market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Alma Sources (Groupe Alma - Neptune)
  • Ogeu Groupe
  • Nestlé Waters
  • Cristaline
  • Abatilles Eaux Minérales d'Arcachon
  • Mont Roucous
  • Hepar (Nestlé Waters)
  • Fiji Water
  • Evian (Danone Groupe)
  • Volvic (Danone Groupe)
  • Badoit (Danone)
  • Perrier (Nestlé)
  • Contrex (Nestlé Waters)
  • Les Thermes de Vittel
  • Fiée Des Lois (Intermarché Groupe)