Turnover: 0.782 million EUR (2018)

Country: France

Cantine California was set up in 2012 by Jordan Feilders, a young American, who then offered the first Californian catering and food-truck service in Paris with homemade California flavors made from fresh produce purchased in short circuits. Today, the foodtruck and catering service is offered to major brands and private clients. Meals are also offered at markets. The brand opened a restaurant in 2014, and a chef's table and small country bed & breakfast in Normandy is due to open soon.

Financial Data

DUNS: 539514042

Legal Name: VESCOR

Address: 40 AV JUNOT , 75018 PARIS 18

Number of employees: 0 salarié (2020)

Capital: 10 000 EUR

Financial Data:

Year 2018 2017
Turnover 782 632 -
Gross margin (€) 589 856 -
EBITDA (€) 124 549 -
Operating profit (€) 114 074 -
Net profit (€) 85 564 -
Turnover growth rate (%) - -
Ebitda margin rate (%) 15,9 -
Operating margin rate (%) 14,6 -
Working Capital (turnover days) -15,4 -
Working Capital requirements (turnover days) 19,1 -
Net margin (%) 10,9 -
Added value / Turnover (%) 48,7 -
Wages and social charges (€) 245 620 -
Salaries / Turnover (%) 31,4 -

Company Managers:

Position First Name Last Name Age Linkedin
Gérant Jordan Feilders 40

Studies mentioning this company

The food-truck market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Le camion qui fume (CQF development)
  • Cantine California
  • Eat the road
  • French Yorker Food Truck
  • Pit’s BBQ
  • Cheesers Food Truck
  • Le Réfectoire
  • Aklé
  • Seasons
  • Food Trucks Gourmets
  • Le Daddy’s wok
  • Le panier à salade
  • AGVM

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