Turnover: 17.185 million EUR (2021)

Country: France

Brest'aim is a company entrusted by the city of Brest with the management of urban facilities, including its marinas. Brest'aim's activities are wide-ranging - management of urban facilities - but also include management of the city of Brest's marinas, which accounted for around 19% of its sales in 2017. Brest'aim welcomes boats, manages infrastructure and buildings in the port area, and provides port services (slipways, sanitary facilities, afloat fuel distribution, etc.).

Most of the sales of the two ports operated by SME come from annual fees paid by boat owners (72% for the Port du Moulin Blanc, 77% for the Port du Château). The company is investing in improved reception facilities, with the presence of a dog handler, the creation of a website for boaters and the establishment of a partnership with Carrefour Contact so that boaters can have their groceries delivered to the port area. A total of 2,265 boats passed through the two ports, accounting for 5,574 overnight stays over the period.

Financial Data

DUNS: 311294904



Number of employees: Entre 250 et 499 salariés (2021)

Capital: 6 240 000 EUR

Financial Data:

Year 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Turnover 17 185 856 14 333 241 23 335 029 22 231 673 21 253 684 22 068 629 19 924 759
Gross margin (€) 16 851 144 15 417 654 22 801 963 21 552 971 20 779 744 21 486 482 19 153 426
EBITDA (€) 2 540 030 86 182 2 524 583 2 882 768 2 544 121 2 238 968 2 156 218
Operating profit (€) 1 076 665 -267 670 857 164 640 919 702 727 491 016 488 758
Net profit (€) 623 079 -89 277 366 648 409 729 644 631 516 786 462 541
Turnover growth rate (%) 19,9 -38,6 5 4,6 -3,7 10,8 -
Ebitda margin rate (%) 14,8 0,6 10,8 13 12 10,1 10,8
Operating margin rate (%) 6,3 -1,9 3,7 2,9 3,3 2,2 2,5
Working Capital (turnover days) 255 319,7 -61,5 -42,5 -69,5 -71,6 -96,6
Working Capital requirements (turnover days) -29,9 -61 -20,6 -23,7 -26,6 -26,6 -33,4
Net margin (%) 3,6 -0,6 1,6 1,8 3 2,3 2,3
Added value / Turnover (%) 23,9 16 30,5 29,1 29,1 28,7 26,2
Wages and social charges (€) 12 924 110 12 268 062 13 844 221 13 270 322 13 295 249 13 451 749 12 775 243
Salaries / Turnover (%) 75,2 85,6 59,3 59,7 62,6 61 64,1

Company Managers:

Position First Name Last Name Age Linkedin
Directeur général Stephane, Jean, Dominique Maby 52
Directeur général délégué Claire, Gaelle Ferradini 52
Administrateur Fortune Pellicano 68
Administrateur Reza Salami 59

Studies mentioning this company

The marina operation market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Port de la Rochelle
  • Port de Concarneau
  • Loire Atlantique Pêche et Plaisance
  • Compagnie des ports du Morbihan
  • Brest’aim
  • Cercle nautique et touristique du Lacydon
  • Port Adhoc
  • Marinov
  • CCI Var
  • Alizée Soft
  • Solutions Plaisance
  • InSilio
  • Association des Usagers des Ports de Pornic
  • Boat Club de France
  • Port de Lorient - Sellor
  • Izysea
  • Port Camargue
  • Sodeports
  • Port Cergy
  • Société Publique Exploitations Ports de la Manche