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Country: Hungary

Hungarian company BioTechUSA is one of Europe's leading manufacturers of dietary supplements.

It offers a wide range of weight-loss, muscle-building and performance-enhancing food supplements, all doping-free and made from carefully selected ingredients

BioTechUSA products comply with European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) guidelines and current legislation.

The company works closely with professional and amateur athletes p

It has over 150 franchised stores in Europe

The Group currently employs 1,800 people in its stores, its offices in Óbuda and its production and logistics centers in Sada and Dunakeszi.

Studies mentioning this company

The market for sports nutrition supplements - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Nutrition et Santé (marque Isostar)
  • Diete Sport France (Overestim.s)
  • Laboratoire Les Trois Chênes
  • EA Pharma Olyos (Eafit, Granions, Punch Power)
  • Menarini group (Marque Isoxan)
  • Apurna (Lactalis)
  • Nutrimeo
  • Prozis
  • Glanbia
  • My Protein (The Hut Group)
  • Nutrimuscle
  • Nutripure
  • Power Nutrition
  • Nutrisport
  • Krissport
  • Coca-Cola European Partners CCEP Groupe Powerade
  • AM Nutrition - N4BRANDS Groupe
  • Atlet TCA
  • Biotech USA Group
  • Eric Favre (Les 3 Chênes)
  • Laboratoire Les Trois Chênes (Eric Fabre)
  • Meltonic
  • Myprotein
  • Nutergia
  • Overstims
  • Scitec Nutrition (BiotechUSA Group)
  • STC Nutrition (Laboratoire Ineldea)
  • Ta Energy