Turnover: 240 million EUR (2020)

Country: France

Biomonde is a cooperative or democratic company, where each employee is a member or partner of the company. It was founded in 2008 and currently has 206 stores with an average surface area of 241 m².

The company also has 8 thematic commissions, represented by Biomonde members, whose role is to negotiate with supplier partners, as well as to develop services (communication, training, ...) for all members.

Financial Data

DUNS: 503456006


Address: 32 BD DE STRASBOURG , 75010 PARIS 10

Number of employees: 0 salarié (2024)

Capital: 18 500 EUR

Financial Data:

Year 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Turnover 1 123 371 2 033 157 2 777 155 2 076 012 1 960 648 2 005 238 1 966 915 884 777
Gross margin (€) 1 521 237 2 044 795 2 781 684 2 122 159 1 970 968 2 016 189 2 028 557 -
EBITDA (€) -188 162 63 040 208 898 2 145 75 832 37 713 -25 801 -
Operating profit (€) 93 313 -212 169 68 809 4 148 60 882 8 357 22 644 -
Net profit (€) -36 031 -526 825 -619 221 1 874 51 557 11 742 23 983 92 753
Turnover growth rate (%) -44,7 -26,8 33,8 5,9 -2,2 1,9 122,3 -
Ebitda margin rate (%) -16,7 3,1 7,5 0,1 3,9 1,9 -1,3 -
Operating margin rate (%) 8,3 -10,4 2,5 0,2 3,1 0,4 1,2 -
Working Capital (turnover days) -40,6 10,3 2,6 16,6 49,2 44,3 63,3 -
Working Capital requirements (turnover days) 32,5 -82,8 144,5 108,1 116,8 103,6 170,8 -
Net margin (%) -3,2 -25,9 -22,3 0,1 2,6 0,6 1,2 -
Added value / Turnover (%) 62,6 55,9 53,9 43,8 43,7 39,5 28,6 -
Wages and social charges (€) 689 820 1 062 111 1 268 584 905 222 770 988 745 523 582 539 -
Salaries / Turnover (%) 61,4 52,2 45,7 43,6 39,3 37,2 29,6 -

Company Managers:

Position First Name Last Name Age Linkedin
Président du conseil d'administration Sonam Walterspiler 42
Directeur général Philippe Poniewira 52
Administrateur Guillaume Reffay 49
Administrateur Frederic Pratelli 55
Administrateur Thibault Pathias 31
Administrateur Sebastien Caron 44
Administrateur Michael Sarrazin 51
Administrateur Jessica Retailleau 41
Administrateur Jean-gabriel Beillard 51
Commissaire aux comptes suppléant Patrice Franc 74

Studies mentioning this company

The organic chocolate market - France

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  • Cémoi (Sweet Products)
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  • Biomonde
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  • Mondelez
  • Jean Louis Boyère Vijaya
  • Vahiné (McCormic France)
  • Kaoka
  • Ombar
  • Moulin Meckert (Moulin des Moines)
  • Nestlé Groupe
  • Mars Group
  • Les Biolonistes
  • Rapunzel