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Country: France

Batiprint3D is a 3D printing company working in the construction sector, offering innovative design, realization and renovation solutions. Through its actions, the company promotes the reduction of the laboriousness of work in the building industry, and commits itself in a more eco-responsible construction approach. The company is based in Nantes.

january 10, 2020 - Batiprint3D dreams of being the European leader - source(LJE)

  • Company founded from a research project of the University of Nantes
  • Improvement of the deadlines in the realization of the buildings and reduction of the energy expenses
  • Project to build 10 homes in 2020
  • Ambition to become the European leader in the modernization of the building industry
  • Also offers thermal insulation solutions
  • Sale of its printing robots to construction industry players who wish to automate their construction
  • International requests (Texas)

Studies mentioning this company

The 3D printer market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Prodways
  • Stratasys
  • 3D Systems
  • EOS
  • SLM Solutions
  • ExOne
  • Voxeljet
  • GE Vernova
  • HP Hewlett Packard
  • AddUp
  • Poly-Shape
  • Sculpteo
  • Poietis
  • ARRK
  • Materialise 3D
  • XtreeE
  • Construction 3D
  • Batiprint3D
  • Athletics 3D
  • Dagoma
  • 3DCeram Sinto
  • EOS GmbH
  • Formlabs
  • Pollen AM
  • Markforged
  • Arburg
  • 3D Advance
  • Desktop Metal
  • Zortrax
  • Microlight3D
  • Weber Beamix (Saint-Gobain groupe)