Turnover: 700 million EUR (2022)

Country: France

  • Axione is a company specializing in the design and deployment of telecommunications infrastructures for new digital uses, in France and abroad.
  • Founded in 2003, Axione is a leader in the development of Public Initiative Networks. It supports companies and local authorities by offering technological solutions for high-quality connectivity.
  • Axione also has an international presence, notably in Gabon and the UK.
  • Its expertise extends from the design to the operation of digital infrastructures, with the mission of bringing territories to life.


Axione: major transformation project to 2026 13/06/2023

  • Major transformation plan: Axione5
  • Implementation horizon: 2026
  • Sales in 2022: 700 million euros
  • Order book: nearly 1.5 billion orders.

Studies mentioning this company

The fibre optic market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Prysmian Group
  • Acome
  • Silec Cable (groupe Prysmian)
  • Orange Groupe
  • SFR Business
  • Bouygues Groupe
  • Free (Iliad)
  • Covage (Altitude groupe)
  • Altitude Infra
  • Axione
  • Jenoptec
  • Nordnet (Orange Groupe)
  • Vialis
  • Ozone
  • Sewan
  • Coriolis Telecom
  • Adista - Inherent
  • Netalis
  • Celeste Telecom
  • Keyyo
  • K Net
  • TDF Infrastructures
  • Verre Fluoré
  • Altitude Infra
  • Deepomatic
  • Ecouter Voir