Turnover: ()

Country: France

Autour du Riz is a company founded in 2003 by Magali Bryla, which explores Asia to meet small farmers attached to their land and their roots.

Today, the company supports more than 2,500 family micro-farms in Asia, grouped together in 10 fair trade groups.

The company fights for bio-regenerative agriculture, and produces Asian rice noodles in France, offering sustainable outlets to small rice and soy producers.

Studies mentioning this company

The rice market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Lustucru Frais (Pastacorp Group)
  • Riso Gallo
  • Vivien Paille (Avril Groupe)
  • Ben's Original (Mars groupe)
  • Reflets de France (Groupe Carrefour)
  • Ekibio Priméal
  • Taureau Ailé (Lustucru Riz)
  • Markal
  • Tilda (Lustucru)
  • Rice Select
  • Autour du riz
  • Saint Eloi (ITM Intermarché)
  • Golden Sun (Lidl)
  • Le Forban- Soboriz