Turnover: 72.5 million EUR (2023)

Country: France

Audencia, formerly ESC Nantes, is the Nantes business school created in 1900. It has a campus in China and triple accreditation. Its particularity lies in its partnership with Centrale Nantes since 2014. It offers a complete range of courses from Bachelor's to specialized Masters. Since 2018, it has been granted the status of consular higher education institution (EESC).

Studies mentioning this company

The business school market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • HEC Paris
  • ESCP Europe
  • EM Lyon
  • EDHEC Business School
  • Grenoble Ecole de Management
  • Audencia
  • SKEMA Business School
  • Kedge Business School
  • NEOMA Business School
  • Rennes School of Business
  • Montpellier Business School
  • Iéseg
  • Galileo Global Éducation System
  • EM Normandie
  • ESCE (Omnes education)
  • ESC Pau
  • EM Strasbourg
  • Omnes Education- Inseec
  • Ionis education
  • TBS Education - Toulouse Business School
  • Eduservices Groupe
  • Excelia group
  • Oxytalis
  • ESC Clermont (Ecole de Commerce ce Clermont)