Turnover: EUR ()

Country: France

ARPEJ is a non-profit association founded in 1989 on the initiative of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations. The organization specializes in the management of residences for students, young workers and researchers, and has 64 residences in France under the UniverCity name, occupied by young people with an average age of 24. UniverCity caters to both French and international customers, with 32% of residents of foreign origin

Studies mentioning this company

The student residence market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Les Crous
  • Nexity
  • Résidence Etude Les Estudiantines
  • Immojeune
  • Studélites
  • Arpej
  • Campusea (Gecina)
  • Fac-Habitat
  • Espacil
  • Suitétudes
  • Capétudes
  • Kley groupe
  • Cap'Études
  • CIUP Cité internationale universitaire de Paris
  • Fac Habitat
  • NEMEA Appart'Etud (Nemea groupe)
  • Cardinal Groupe
  • Youfirst