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Country: Sweden

  • Aritco Lift is one of the world's leading manufacturers of private and public elevators.
  • Founded in 1995, the Swedish company has more than 160 partners and is present in 40 countries, having installed more than 30,000 elevators since its inception.
  • Since 2016, it has been 100% owned by investment company Latour industrie.
  • Its production is divided between 2 types of elevator: private elevators for the private residential market and public elevators for the public accessibility market.

Studies mentioning this company

The lift market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Otis France
  • Schindler France
  • TK Elevator France (ThyssenKrupp)
  • KONE
  • Orona
  • Sodimas
  • Aritco
  • Easylift ascenceurs
  • MCA Ascenseurs
  • S2A Ascenseurs
  • Wemaintain
  • Ascier