Turnover: 0.4 million EUR (2015)

Country: France

Apollo Sporting Club is a boxing, fitness and well-being club on a human scale, whose watchwords are conviviality, sharing and effort. It was created by enthusiasts keen to introduce the noble art and its values to as many people as possible, in a club spirit. The disciplines practiced include English Boxing, Savate - Boxe Française, Fight Club, Lady Boxing, Boxing Bag, Circuit Training, Cardio Boxing, Wake Up Training, and many others. Apollo Sporting Club also offers companies weekly sports activities and one-off company seminars based around boxing, fitness or well-being.

Studies mentioning this company

The boxing market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Temple Noble Art
  • Apollo Sporting Club
  • Adidas
  • Metal Boxe Attitude Fight
  • Intersport France
  • Go Sport France
  • Décathlon France
  • Ymaa france
  • U-Percute, Art Boxing club
  • Sweat boxing
  • Skarbowsky GYM
  • Savate Club Paris 15
  • Phenix Boxing
  • Paris Taekwondo Elite
  • La Française Athletic Club
  • Kickers Team
  • Ecole française de jujitsu
  • District Training Zone Montreuil
  • Battling club Paris 17
  • ASMBF Paris Boxing
  • Planet Fitness Equipements
  • Aero Fit Boxing
  • Shogun center
  • Venum
  • Sportcom