Turnover: 0.37 million EUR (2021)

Country: France

Active in the business and domiciliation centre sector since 1972, Alac Etoile set up its offices in the 17th arrondissement of Paris in 1981.

In 2010, it obtained the mandatory prefectoral approval to operate as a company domiciliation agent.

Alac Etoile promises to set up its offices in a quality, stable environment, but also accessible and recognized addresses for its customers.

One of its objectives is to promote the establishment of young entrepreneurs by guaranteeing them quality services to start their business.

It is committed to ethical behaviour towards its clients by protecting their confidentiality and communicating in a transparent and professional manner.

Financial Data

DUNS: 322133356


Address: 3 RUE DU COLONEL MOLL , 75017 PARIS 17

Number of employees: Entre 3 et 5 salariés (2021)

Capital: 24 000 EUR

Financial Data:

Year 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Turnover 377 708 370 069 375 287 345 823 378 390 323 516 316 689 299 683
Gross margin (€) 377 952 374 174 376 323 345 859 379 224 323 508 316 732 299 680
EBITDA (€) 96 274 93 045 98 024 62 918 103 825 69 731 65 756 35 722
Operating profit (€) 89 392 87 554 91 910 56 956 101 821 66 488 57 657 25 674
Net profit (€) 89 647 58 935 113 825 57 265 80 807 49 839 42 251 18 880
Turnover growth rate (%) 2,1 -1,4 8,5 -8,6 17 2,2 5,7 -
Ebitda margin rate (%) 25,5 25,1 26,1 18,2 27,4 21,6 20,8 11,9
Operating margin rate (%) 23,7 23,7 24,5 16,5 26,9 20,6 18,2 8,6
Working Capital (turnover days) 39,2 23,8 5,6 -15,1 56,4 8,5 37 -30,7
Working Capital requirements (turnover days) 75,8 49 20 19,5 74,1 52,4 40,6 31,8
Net margin (%) 23,7 15,9 30,3 16,6 21,4 15,4 13,3 6,3
Added value / Turnover (%) 56,7 55,1 57 50,5 57,7 52,6 52,6 49
Wages and social charges (€) 123 847 113 908 114 803 109 988 111 399 98 744 98 766 112 267
Salaries / Turnover (%) 32,8 30,8 30,6 31,8 29,4 30,5 31,2 37,5

Company Managers:

Position First Name Last Name Age Linkedin
Gérant Corinne Picard 57

Studies mentioning this company

The business centre market - France

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