Turnover: ()

Country: France

  • The Adelaide Group specializes in insurance consulting, intermediation, distribution and services
  • Family-owned holding company founded in 1933
  • The group includes brokers
    • Verlingue (corporate protection)
    • Generation (provident and health insurance)
    • Cocoon (retail insurance for individuals)
  • Present in France, Great Britain, Portugal and Switzerland
  • 2200 employees
  • 2.6 billion in negotiated premiums

Studies mentioning this company

The insurance brokerage market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Gras Savoye Willis Tower Watson France
  • Verspieren
  • SPB
  • Assurpeople
  • Indexia Group - ex SFAM
  • April group
  • Henner Groupe
  • Entoria
  • Alptis
  • Acheel
  • Just
  • Wakam
  • Diot Siaci
  • Premium Groupe
  • Saretec Groupe
  • Verlingue
  • Vilavi Groupe (ex Assu 2000)
  • Fibus (ex Chateaudun Credit)
  • Prevoir Groupe
  • Adelaide Assurance
  • Antinea Courtage
  • Artemis Courtage
  • Abeille Assurance (Aéma groupe)
  • Descartes Underwriting Insurance
  • Shift Technology
  • Satec Groupe
  • Roole
  • Alexis Assurances
  • Wefox
  • SPB Groupe - AVI
  • Continuity Assurance