Turnover: EUR ()

Country: France

  • AD Senior offers home help services for elderly and dependent people in France
  • AD Senior launched its network of independent agencies in 2006, and by 2017 had more than 70 branches.
  • The development of the AD Senior network has been taken over by the AMA Network, with the aim of being present in all towns with more than 30,000 inhabitants in France.

Financial Data

DUNS: 500108642


Address: 77 RUE DE VAUGIRARD , 75006 PARIS 6

Number of employees: Entre 10 et 19 salariés (2021)

Capital: 26 550 EUR

Financial Data:

Year 2022 2021 2020 2018 2017 2016 2015
Turnover 1 249 269 1 584 809 - 1 153 938 - 574 920 -
Gross margin (€) 1 249 294 1 543 758 - 1 156 205 - 575 003 -
EBITDA (€) -227 094 -51 281 - 20 406 - 79 593 -
Operating profit (€) -248 136 -67 198 - -32 781 - 69 703 -
Net profit (€) -190 319 -1 301 206 821 173 516 -12 579 29 089 -
Turnover growth rate (%) -21,2 34,1 - 63,4 - - -
Ebitda margin rate (%) -18,2 -3,2 - 1,8 - 13,8 -
Operating margin rate (%) -19,9 -4,2 - -2,8 - 12,1 -
Working Capital (turnover days) 126,4 121,7 - 116,1 - 66,9 -
Working Capital requirements (turnover days) 114 140 - 51,4 - 31,5 -
Net margin (%) -15,2 -0,1 - 15 - 5,1 -
Added value / Turnover (%) 22,8 25,5 - 8,5 - 19,5 -
Wages and social charges (€) 527 547 478 503 - 248 347 - 31 371 -
Salaries / Turnover (%) 42,2 30,2 - 21,5 - 5,5 -

Company Managers:

Position First Name Last Name Age Linkedin
Président Laurent, Maurice, Gabriel Lartaud 58

Studies mentioning this company

The Home Medical Aid Market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • AD Seniors
  • ADHAP Services
  • Senior Compagnie (Groupe Zephyr)
  • Aquarelle Service
  • Age d’Or Services
  • Petit-Fils (Korian Groupe)
  • Solutia Groupe
  • Oui Care
  • Domidom
  • Adomis (Zephyr groupe)
  • Adenior
  • ADMR
  • UNA
  • DomusVi
  • Orkyn (Air liquide)
  • Homeperf
  • Korian Clariane
  • Bestens umsorgt (KORIAN Group)
  • Zephyr Groupe
  • Elivie (Groupe Santé Cie)
  • Asten Santé (La Poste)
  • La Poste
  • Air Liquide Santé