Turnover: 7 billion EUR (2022)

Country: France

  • Abeiille Assurance: Consolidated sales of 7 billion euros, including 1.8 billion euros in property & casualty and health insurance, and 5.2 billion euros in life insurance
  • Major French insurance company, 4,200 employees, 170 years of experience
  • 3.1 million customers, 1,000 general insurance agents and 1,630 partner brokers
  • Abeille Assurances is an Aéma Groupe brand born in January 2021.
  • Accompanying and protecting over 11 million policyholders, Aéma Groupe became France's 4th largest insurance company in 2023 (source: SFCR)
  • Aéma: 20,000 employees, 1,800 delegates and sales of 16.1 billion euros in 2022.
  • For its Life business, Abeille Assurances relies on its subsidiaries:
    • UFF, the 2nd largest network of financial advisors in wealth management
    • Epargne Actuelle, the No. 1 Life broker for individual savings
    • VIP Conseils and SACAF, two brokers specialized in wealth management.
  • In September 2022, Aéma Groupe creates Ofi Invest.
  • With 182 billion in assets under management, Ofi Invest ranks 5th among French asset management groups (IPE ranking at the end of December 2021).
  • Ofi Invest , 600 employees


"Mastering the distribution of Afer contracts" - Abeille Assurances' objective. 05/07/2023

  • Abeille Assurances manages almost all of Afer's 55 billion euros in assets under management.
  • The acquisition of Bureaux de l'Epargne by Abeille Assurances is the company's third such operation since last year.
  • Following this acquisition, Abeille Assurances will control two-thirds of the networks that marketed Afer products.
  • The Bureaux de l'Epargne contribute 4.5 billion euros in assets, in addition to the 16 billion euros of Epargne Actuelle
  • 753.000 members are currently registered.
  • The aim is to attract 20-30,000 new members a year. Les Bureaux de l'Epargne employs 39 people and Epargne Actuelle 120.

Studies mentioning this company

The wealth management market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Amundi
  • HSBC Private Bank
  • Société Générale Private Banking
  • Natixis Wealth Management
  • Milleis Banque
  • Pictet
  • Primonial
  • Astoria Groupe
  • Cyrus Conseil
  • Compagnie Financière Richelieu
  • Ethenea
  • Cholet-Dupont
  • Magnacarta
  • Althos-Patrimoine
  • K&P Finance
  • Experts en Patrimoine
  • Lonlay & Associés
  • Nalo
  • Yomoni
  • Grisbee
  • Finary
  • Epsor
  • Premium Groupe
  • Ageas France
  • BPI France
  • Scala Patrimoine
  • Shares
  • Thesaurus
  • Crystal Groupe
  • LFPI
  • Mandarine gestion
  • Oaktree Capital Management
  • Rothschild Martin Maurel
  • Lazard Frères Gestion
  • Meeschaert (LFPI Groupe)
  • Abeille Assurance (Aéma groupe)
  • Turenne Groupe
  • Siparex
  • Lucya
  • Oddo BHF
  • Equance
  • Patrimmofi
The insurance brokerage market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Gras Savoye Willis Tower Watson France
  • Verspieren
  • SPB
  • Assurpeople
  • Indexia Group - ex SFAM
  • April group
  • Henner Groupe
  • Entoria
  • Alptis
  • Acheel
  • Just
  • Wakam
  • Diot Siaci
  • Premium Groupe
  • Saretec Groupe
  • Verlingue
  • Vilavi Groupe (ex Assu 2000)
  • Fibus (ex Chateaudun Credit)
  • Prevoir Groupe
  • Adelaide Assurance
  • Antinea Courtage
  • Artemis Courtage
  • Abeille Assurance (Aéma groupe)
  • Descartes Underwriting Insurance
  • Shift Technology
  • Satec Groupe
  • Roole
  • Alexis Assurances
  • Wefox
  • SPB Groupe - AVI
  • Continuity Assurance