
The global market for light commercial vehicles, encompassing vehicles like vans and minibusses with a maximum total mass of 3.5 tons, was valued at USD 67 billion in 2020 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 4.5%, reaching USD 73 billion by 2026. The market experienced stagnation in recent years, particularly due to the COVID-19 pandemic impacts on production and raw material distribution. In Italy, the market observed fluctuating new registrations, with a recovery to 176 thousand between 2015-2019 after a dip in the preceding years. In terms of European rankings based on the number of registrations in 2019, Italy stood fourth after France, the United Kingdom, and Germany. Key players in the Italian market include Fiat Professional, Iveco, and Piaggio, which collectively hold 38% of the market share. The Italian market is varied, with approximately 28% small vans, 36% large vans, 15% medium-sized vans, along with other categories such as pickups and passenger cars making up the remainder. The majority (31%) of new light commercial vehicle registrations were in the Northwest region of Italy..Italian Light Commercial Vehicle Market Trends and Dynamics The Italian light commercial vehicle market presents a picture of variegated trends reflective of wider economic factors, including the impact of worldwide events such as the pandemic. The industry encapsulates a range of vehicles predominantly utilized for goods transportation or passenger carriage, with a total mass not exceeding three and a half tonnes. This category is inclusive of both Category M2 and Category N1 vehicles, with the latter requiring only a standard B driving license for operation, thereby extending its accessibility. The monetary value assigned to the global market is considerable and projected to increase steadily. With an estimated worth of between 65 and 70 billion USD in 2020, the forecast for 2026 anticipates a growth that could see the market value rise to between 70 and 75 billion USD, reflecting a compound annual growth rate of approximately 4 to 5 percent. Despite the significant growth trajectory, the market has experienced periods of stagnation, particularly over recent years due to pandemic-induced production halts and challenges in the distribution of raw materials. Focusing on Italian shores, there has been a notable fluctuation in new light commercial vehicle registrations over the past decade. The period from 2009 to 2011 saw new registrations ranging between 175 and 180 thousand, a number that experienced a decline in the subsequent years, falling to between 105 and 115 thousand registrations. However, a resurgence came about between 2015 and 2019, with the number bouncing back to previous levels. When it comes to Italy's position within the European context, the country stands in the fourth place concerning new registrations as of 2019. The leading forces within the Italian market comprise Fiat Professional, Iveco, and Piaggio, collectively holding a market share of approximately 35 to 40 percent. Notably, models such as the Fiat Ducato, Fiat Doblò Cargo, and Iveco Daily top the sales charts, asserting their dominance in the market. The distribution of light commercial vehicles is characterized by a variety of models catering to different needs, ranging from small to large vans, pickup trucks, passenger cars, and those registered as trucks. The majority of these vehicles fall into the large van category, capturing a share of about 35 to 40 percent, followed by small vans, pickups, and other categories. Significantly, the geographical spread of new registrations demonstrates a concentration in the Northwest of Italy, which accounts for nearly a third of the entire market. Intrinsically, the Italian light commercial vehicle sector reflects a.### "Prominent Players Shaping the Italian Light Commercial Vehicle Landscape" The Italian light commercial vehicle market is a dynamic sector characterized by several key players, each contributing to the industry's growth and development. These manufacturers have established their presence through innovative designs, reliable products, and strong brand recognition. **Fiat Professional** stands as a dominant force within the Italian light commercial vehicle market. As a part of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, Fiat Professional specializes in light commercial vehicles and offers a wide range of models tailored to meet the varying needs of the transport sector. The Fiat Ducato is one of the flagship models and is highly regarded for its versatility and efficiency, making it a popular choice among businesses and independent contractors alike. **Iveco** is another major player that has made significant inroads in this market segment. As a subsidiary of CNH Industrial, Iveco is known for its robust and larger-sized commercial vehicles designed to handle heavier loads and longer distances. The Iveco Daily, in particular, has gained recognition for its durability and performance, catering to businesses that require a reliable workhorse for their operations. **Piaggio**, primarily famous for its range of scooters and motorcycles, also has a notable stake in the light commercial vehicle market. Through models like the Piaggio Porter, the company offers compact and agile solutions for urban transport and delivery services, where maneuverability and ease of parking are of the essence. Together, Fiat Professional, Iveco, and Piaggio constitute a formidable 38% of the market share, showcasing the strength of domestic brands within Italy's borders. These manufacturers not only lead in sales but also set trends for product innovation and service quality in the country's light commercial vehicle industry. The market segmentation reveals that there is a diverse array of options available, from small vans suitable for inner-city logistics to larger vans that can accommodate bulkier cargo. Pickup trucks and passenger cars converted for commercial use also form part of this varied market structure, broadening the scope for different business requirements. Geographically, the Northwest region of Italy has shown the greatest demand for light commercial vehicles, registering 31% of new vehicles. This suggests a strong industrial and commercial presence in that part of the country, driving the need for transportation and delivery solutions. In conclusion, the position of Fiat Professional, Iveco, and Piaggio as key players in the Italian light commercial vehicle market illustrates their adaptability and responsiveness to both the commercial demands and the regulatory framework shaping the industry. Their continued growth and product diversity significantly influence the choice and preferences of vehicle purchasers across Italy.
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  • Number of pages : 30 pages
  • Format : Digital and PDF versions
  • Last update : 15/03/2022
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of study

The term light commercial vehicle refers to vehicles that are used for the transport of goods or persons and have a maximum total mass of 3.5 tones. The categories of vehicles considered to be light commercial vehicles are:

- Category M2 intended for the carriage of persons with more than eight seats. A D or D1 driving licence is required to drive this type of vehicle.

- Category N1 is intended for the carriage of goods, such as vans. Only a B licence is required to drive this category.

Light commercial vehicles are usually distinguished from heavy commercial vehicles that exceed 3.5 tones and are therefore referred to as commercial vehicles.

The global market was worth USD 67 billion in 2020 and is expected to be worth USD 73 billion in 2026, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.5%. In the last two years, the market has come to a stop because of the pandemic, due to the halt in production and the more difficult distribution of raw materials.

In Italy, as reported by ISTAT data, in the period 2009-2011 176 thousand new registrations were recorded, between 2012-2014 110 thousand registrations, reaching 176 thousand registrations between 2015-2019. At European level, Italy in terms of number of registrations in 2019 is in fourth place in the ranking preceded by France, United Kingdom and Germany. Fiat Professional, Iveco and Piaggio account for 38% of the market. The best-selling models in Italy are the Fiat Ducato, Fiat Doblò Cargo and Iveco Daily. The market for light vehicles breaks down as follows: 28% small vans, 15% small vans, 36% large vans, 14% pick-ups, 9% passenger cars and 7% cars registered as trucks. Geographically, 31% of new light commercial vehicles were registered in the Northwest.

1.2 Le marché mondial

En ****, le marché mondial des véhicules utilitaires légers (***). Après avoir atteint un pic en ****, ce marché a connu trois années successives de déclin progressif. Le marché est en partie tiré par les fabricants et les consommateurs asiatiques, qui représentent une part importante des deux segments. ...

1.3 Un marché national stagnant

L'Italie est un producteur et un acteur important dans le monde des véhicules utilitaires légers. En fait, il y a des entreprises historiques commeFiat Professional, Iveco ou encore Piaggio, qui constituent le moteur du marché.

Au cours de l'année ****,*** *** véhicules utilitaires légers ont été produits par ...

1.4 Véhicules utilitaires légers en circulation

Outre une production et un chiffre d'affaires stables ces dernières années, l'Italie dispose également d'un nombre pratiquement constant de véhicules utilitaires légers en circulation.

Nombre de véhicules utilitaires légers en circulation Italie, ****-****, en millions Source: ****

Le nombre de véhicules reste donc constant ces ...

1.5 Le redressement du commerce électronique après la crise de Covid a favorisé le marché

La crise du coronavirus de **** a modifié les habitudes des consommateurs italiens : dans tous les secteurs, on observe une forte tendance positive en faveur des achats en ligne. Cette tendance favorise mécaniquement le marché des VUL, car il y a toujours un besoin de transport vers le domicile. Les VUL ...

2 Analysis of the demand

2.1 Les marques préférées des Italiens

Source: ****

Méthode d'achat :

Mode d'achat des véhicules utilitaires légers Italie, ****, en % Source: ****

Ces résultats ont été obtenus en tenant compte du propriétaire du véhicule utilitaire léger.

2.2 Émissions des véhicules utilitaires légers

Les fermetures liées à la pandémie de coronavirus ont fortement soutenu la réduction des émissions de CO*. En effet, de **** à ****, les émissions ont baissé de-*,*%, toutes catégories de véhicules confondues.

Émissions de CO* de tous les véhicules Italie, ****-****, en g/km Source: ****

En revanche, ...

2.3 Véhicules commerciaux légers par canal

La demande de véhicules utilitaires légers varie en fonction des besoins des clients. C'est pourquoi le marché doit s'adapter et répondre à chaque besoin.

En ce qui concerne la répartition des ventes de VUL au cours de l'année dernière, le graphique ci-dessous montre la répartition ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Une forte présence de véhicules utilitaires légers dans le nord de l'Italie

Répartition géographique des véhicules utilitaires légers

Italie, ****

Source: ****

La première place pour le nombre de véhicules utilitaires légers vendus en Italie revient au Trentino Alto Adige et à la Lombardie, qui ont tous deux vendu plus de ** *** véhicules.

En ce qui concerne les nouvelles ...

3.2 La "Motor Valley" italienne

En Italie, les véhicules (***) sont produits par quelques entreprises multinationales. Le marché est donc très fermé et il est difficile d'y entrer en tant que nouveau producteur. Il existe plusieurs start-ups et petites et moyennes entreprises qui produisent exclusivement des composants pour les véhicules, mais pas le produit ...

3.3 Type de véhicules utilitaires légers en circulation

Lors du choix du type de VUL pour le client, plusieurs facteurs doivent être pris en compte. En plus du type pour le besoin d'utilisation (***), en Italie il y a le phénomène d'assister à la présence d'un nombre élevé de VUL très récents, alors que ceux achetés ...

4 Analysis of the offer

4.1 Véhicules commercialisés

Les véhicules utilitaires légers doivent répondre à de nombreuses exigences des consommateurs. C'est pourquoi les entreprises disposent d'un vaste catalogue de choix pour les clients. Les VUL peuvent être répartis dans les catégories suivantes :

Petits véhicules :

Il s'agit des véhicules qui peuvent supporter un mignon ...

4.2 Prix de la production de véhicules

A l'aide de la base de données Istat, il est possible d'obtenir un aperçu général de l'évolution des prix à la production des véhicules automobiles, des remorques et des semi-remorques (***) :

Prix de production des véhicules Italie, ****-****, base=*** Source: ****

La notation ISTAT "Indice des prix ...

4.3 Innovations technologiques pour un produit final moderne

Les VUL, avant d'être un moyen de livraison de marchandises, sont des véhicules. Au cours des dernières décennies, ils ont subi des modifications et des innovations qui leur ont permis d'être des véhicules sûrs et modernes tel que nous le connaissons aujourd'hui.

La sécurité ...

5 Regulation

5.1 Règlement

Les véhicules commerciaux ont un poids maximal de *,* tonnes. Si les particuliers peuvent acquérir ce type de véhicule (***), ils sont plus spécifiquement destinés aux professionnels, comme les artisans ou les PME en général. Bien qu'ils conservent les composants mécaniques des voitures particulières, ...

5.2 Réglementations européennes

Réglementation européenne pour les poids lourds :

Depuis le début des années ****, plusieurs réglementations ont été élaborées et mises en œuvre pour lutter contre les effets néfastes des camions sur les routes. Depuis ****, elles sont connues sous le nom de "normes européennes". Ces normes ...

6 Positioning of the actors

6.1 Segmentation des acteurs

  • Stellantis (Groupe PSA et Fiat)
  • Volvo Group (Renault Trucks et Volvo Trucks)
  • PSA Peugeot Citroen

List of charts

  • Pays ayant le plus grand nombre de VUL immatriculés en Europe
  • Marché mondial des minivans et des VUL
  • Segmentation du marché des véhicules
  • Chiffre d'affaires des entreprises vendant des véhicules légers
  • Vente de la production de véhicules utilitaires légers
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  • Signature of a strategic partnership with Chinese automotive start-up Leapmotor.
  • Stellantis will acquire a stake of around 21% in the company for a total of 1.5 billion euros.
  • The two companies will also set up a joint venture, Leapmotor International, 51% owned by Stellantis.
  • Based in the Netherlands, it will "have exclusive rights to manufacture, export and sell Leapmotor products outside China"
  • The Leapmotor International joint venture is targeting 500,000 sales outside China by 2030.
  • Deliveries from the Leapmotor International joint venture are scheduled to begin in the second half of 2024.
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A hydrogen pick-up: Stellantis' answer to Tesla's Cybertruck - 06/12/2023
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  • Toyota, another major manufacturer, presented a prototype Hilux that runs on hydrogen.
  • Rivian, a new manufacturer, has already started selling its electric van, backed by Amazon and Ford.
Stellantis aims to become world leader in utility vehicles - 24/10/2023
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  • Stellantis market share in Europe: 31%
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  • Range of electric versions: from 330 kilometers for the minivan, to 420 for the large van.
  • Stellantis has 15 factories worldwide.
  • Sales of Stellantis vans in 2022: 1.6 million (out of a total of 5.8 million vehicles sold).
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  • Stellantis intends to double its sales of commercial vehicles by 2030. Stellantis has a 31% market share of commercial vehicle sales in Europe and 28% in South America. The group sold 1.6 million commercial vehicles worldwide last year. Stellantis aims to generate sales of 5 billion euros from connected vehicle services by 2030.
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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Stellantis (Groupe PSA et Fiat)
Volvo Group (Renault Trucks et Volvo Trucks)
PSA Peugeot Citroen

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