Turnover: 1.1 million EUR (2022)
Country: France
River logistics specialist

River logistics: ULS aims to increase its number of home ports 30/08/2023
- ULS generates sales of 1.1 million euros with 31 employees.
- The company started in Strasbourg in 2020, moving to Lyon in 2022, then Mulhouse in 2023.
- 22 cities in France have been identified as potential markets for expansion.
- ULS has a shipyard in Portugal to develop standardized boats.
- The transport capacity of their boats is 680 pallets.
- ULS has identified 39 kilometers of small-gauge waterways in the Strasbourg metropolitan area for expansion.
- The company is developing inland waterway logistics for shipyards, in collaboration with other companies such as FEHR.
Studies mentioning this company

Other companies mentioned:
- Marfret
- Compagnie fuviale de transport - CFT
- Vedettes de Paris
- Compagnie des bateaux mouches
- Transdev
- E2F
- Haropa Port - Port du Havre
- Sogestran Group
- VNF Voies Navigables de France
- Coalis
- Naviland Cargo
- Viking cruises
- Château Coliving
- Chez Nestor (Dovevivo)
- Coliving.com
- Colivys
- Ecla (Uxco Group)
- Habyt Common
- Hife Coliving
- La Roche Cotard Coliving
- Mansiones Coliving
- Sharies Coliving
- Tendoors Coliving
- Urban campus
- Uxco Group
- Woodeum (Altarea)
- Port de Colmar Neuf-Brisach
- Rhenus logistics
- ULS Urban Logistic Solutions
- Port de Dunkerque
- Touax
- Port de Villefranche-sur-Saône