Turnover: ()

Country: France

Solimut Mutuelle de France, with 765,000 protected people, is the result of an initial grouping of 35 mutuals in 2008, followed by a merger with Mutuelles Santé Plus in 2011. Modern and forward-looking, Solimut Mutuelle de France remains faithful to the historic ambitions of its founders.

A principle of unification at the service of members: The creation of Mutuelles de France in 1986, followed by membership of the Fédération Nationale de la Mutualité Française (FNMF) in 2002, bear witness to this ability to rise above personal interests: coming together to remain a decisive social player.


Solimut Solvency: 2019 Results 27/08/2020

Here are the key figures relevant to market research taken from the document:

Solvency ratio of the Solimut Group for 2019: 122% with capping (+8 points) and 168% without capping (+25 points).

SCR coverage rate forecast for the coming years: 179% in 2020, 189% in 2021 and 196% in 2022.

Solvency ratio for Solimut Mutuelle de France for 2019: 135%.

Reinsurance quota for Solimut Mutuelle de France: 50% in health and 70% in provident insurance.

Gross reinsurance contributions for the group in 2019: 435 million euros (+2.8%).

Gross reinsurance contributions for Solimut Mutuelle de France in 2019: 362 million euros (+4%).

Net contributions for the union: down by a third in 2019.

Net contributions for Solimut Mutuelle de France: down by almost half in 2019.

Volume of net provident reinsurance contributions for Solimut Mutuelle de France: down by three-quarters (from 39.2 million to 9.7 million euros).

Negative underwriting result for the union and its main mutual in 2019: 32.4 million euros in provident insurance in 2018 reduced to 6.9 million euros in 2019.

Health surplus for the union in 2019: from +18.6 million euros to -8 million euros.

Health surplus for Solimut Mutuelle de France in 2019: from +12.6 million euros to -13.4 million euros.

Surplus underwriting result for the group's four other mutuals, but insufficient to make up Solimut Mutuelle de France's deficit.

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