Turnover: 23 million EUR (2015)

Country: France

Specialized in the supply of medical equipment to physiotherapists, with a wide range of over 8000 items. The company's various ranges are as follows:

  • Physiotherapy furniture
    - Massage Fitness and Esthetics
    - Thermotherapy and Cryotherapy
    - Rehabilitation equipment
    - Electrostimulation
    - Physiotherapy office equipment
  • The company was acquired by NM Medical (200 employees and 60 million in sales) in 2007, itself acquired by Mediq, a Dutch healthcare company. [NM Medical, Kinessonne]

Studies mentioning this company

The physiotherapist masseur market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Doctolib
  • NM Medical - Kinessonne
  • Elite Medicale - PromoKiné
  • Enovis Compex
  • Enovis Chattanooga
  • Phyto Performance
  • PCN Physio
  • Enraf Nonius
  • Kinvent Physio

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