Turnover: ()

Country: France

Milan Presse is a French press company that publishes magazines for young readers, divided into different age ranges. It offers magazines for children aged 0 to 5 (Picoti, Histoires pour les petits, Toupie and Wakou), for children aged 5 to 8 (J'apprends à lire, Toboggan, Manon, MordeLIRE and Wapiti) and for children aged 8 to 15 (1 jour 1 actu, Curionautes des Sciences, Julie and GEO Ado). Milan Presse's ambition is to support and encourage autonomy and learning for all children, at every stage of their lives.

Studies mentioning this company

The magazine market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Reworld Media
  • Prisma Media (Vivendi Groupe)
  • CMI France
  • Cafeyn Group
  • McPhy
  • Le Figaro - Gala
  • Bertelsmann
  • Reporters Sans Frontières
  • Rossel La Voix Groupe
  • Media Participations
  • Bayard Presse Groupe
  • Unimédias (Crédit Agricole groupe)
  • Éditions Philippe Amaury
  • Fleurus Presse
  • Milan Presse (Bayard Groupe)
  • L'Obs
  • Le Point
  • Le Monde Diplomatique
  • Sciences et Avenir
  • L'Express
  • Les Inrockuptibles (LNEI)
  • Valmonde - Valeurs Actuelles
  • Marianne Magazine