Turnover: 4.4 billion EUR (2021)

Country: Italy

Marcegaglia is an Italian company active in the steel sector, specialized in the production and marketing of tubes, sheets, profiles, and components for the automotive and construction industries. Founded in 1959 in Gazoldo degli Ippoliti, in the province of Mantua, by Steno Marcegaglia, today the company has a global presence with 60 locations worldwide and 7000 employees. Marcegaglia has always stood out for its strong focus on the quality of its products and the environmental sustainability of its production processes, constantly investing in research and development of new technologies and innovative solutions. In addition, the company has always had a strong social commitment, promoting initiatives in favor of education, art and culture, and supporting solidarity projects locally and internationally. The company was among the first in Italy to invest in the production of energy from renewable sources, with the construction of photovoltaic plants for the production of clean electricity.

Studies mentioning this company

The steel construction market - Italy

Other companies mentioned:

  • NLMK Verona
  • Acciaierie d'Italia
  • Acciaieria Arvedi
  • Marcegaglia
  • Tenaris Dalmine
  • Cimolai
  • Manni Sipre
  • Gruppo Cividale

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