Turnover: 1.837 billion EUR (2020)

Country: France

  • Founded in 1975, Ipsos is the 2nd largest opinion polling and marketing institute in the world.
  • It is the market leader in France.
  • It is active in marketing research, media and brand expression research, customer and employee relationship management research, and opinion and social research.

Financial Data

DUNS: 304555634

Legal Name: IPSOS

Address: 35 RUE DU VAL DE MARNE , 75013 PARIS 13

Number of employees: Entre 1 et 2 salariés (2021)

Capital: 10 800 806 EUR

Financial Data:

Year 2022 2021 2020 2019 2016
Turnover 378 000 376 619 383 537 1 843 088 440 244
Gross margin (€) 52 111 000 37 762 680 40 149 654 42 614 268 32 800 256
EBITDA (€) 38 450 000 24 862 251 28 015 229 29 942 289 22 966 653
Operating profit (€) 39 087 000 25 841 767 29 552 728 29 077 910 20 723 377
Net profit (€) 104 829 000 179 385 931 82 466 434 64 508 217 78 280 307
Turnover growth rate (%) 0,3 -1,8 -79,2 193,4 4,6
Ebitda margin rate (%) 10 172 6 601,4 7 304,4 1 624,6 5 216,8
Operating margin rate (%) 10 340,5 6 861,5 7 705,3 1 577,7 4 707,2
Working Capital (turnover days) -59 463,2 -90 392,8 -136 008,4 -5 748,1 -5 732
Working Capital requirements (turnover days) 3 562,1 -117,2 -2 123,5 980 1 943,2
Net margin (%) 27 732,5 47 630,6 21 501,6 3 500 17 781,1
Added value / Turnover (%) -1 186 -742 -728,4 -170,3 -995,7
Wages and social charges (€) 5 007 000 2 949 289 1 344 442 1 472 672 1 311 102
Salaries / Turnover (%) 1 324,6 783,1 350,5 79,9 297,8

Company Managers:

Position First Name Last Name Age Linkedin
Président du conseil d'administration Didier, Michel, Rene Truchot 77
Directeur général Benjamin Page 59
Administrateur Laurence Stoclet 57
Administrateur Patrick, Francois, Maurice Artus 72
Administrateur Eliane Laparra 71
Administrateur Anne Bouchacourt 65
Administrateur Virginie Calmels 53
Administrateur Filippo, Pietro Lo Franco 55
Administrateur Pierre Barnabe 53
Administrateur Florence Parly 61
Administrateur Maria, De, Los, Angeles Martin Munoz 58
Autre Sylvie Mayou 63
Autre Andre Lewitcki 68

Studies mentioning this company

The market for surveys and market research - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • WPP
  • Ipsos
  • BVA Group
  • Médiametrie
  • IFOP
  • CSA
  • Opinion way
  • Odoxa
  • Survey Monkey
  • Yoope
  • Kantar France
  • Mintel Group
  • Plimsoll Publishing
  • Statista
  • Gerson Lehrman Group GLG
  • Factiva (Dow Jones) France
  • Businesscoot
  • Enerdata
  • Emprixia
  • Les Echos Études
  • Xerfi Groupe
  • Asteres
  • Nielsen
  • DMR (Launchmetrics Group)
  • Augure Launchmetrics