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Country: France

The Institut Français d'Endobiogénie is a company set up by a collective of doctors, pharmacists and patients in late 2017 to promote endobiogeny in France.

The company trains healthcare professionals in endobiogeny so that they can have new keys to understanding how patients function and use clinical herbal medicine.

Studies mentioning this company

The herbal medicine market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Arkopharma
  • Bayer
  • Ipsen
  • Santé Verte
  • Merck KGaA
  • Nutreov Physcience
  • PiLeJe
  • Fenioux Groupe
  • NaturHouse
  • Puressentiel France
  • Pranarôm (Inula Groupe)
  • Naturactive (Pierre Fabre)
  • Olisma
  • Densmore (Havea Groupe)
  • Herbalife
  • Institut Endobiogénie
  • Atlantic Nature
  • Olisma