Turnover: ()

Country: Luxembourg

Ethenea is a Luxembourg-based management consultancy founded in 2002, with its youngest fund celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2019. The company manages nearly 3.4 billion euros in assets and distributes its funds in 12 countries. The firm employs 13 people and offers its customers investments with controlled social and environmental impacts. Indeed, Ethenea is committed to refraining from investing in the tobacco and arms industries. It also prohibits speculation in foodstuffs. The company is independent of banks and financial institutions, enabling it to make its own decisions.

Studies mentioning this company

The wealth management market - France

Other companies mentioned:

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  • Milleis Banque
  • Pictet
  • Primonial
  • Astoria Groupe
  • Cyrus Conseil
  • Compagnie Financière Richelieu
  • Ethenea
  • Cholet-Dupont
  • Magnacarta
  • Althos-Patrimoine
  • K&P Finance
  • Experts en Patrimoine
  • Lonlay & Associés
  • Nalo
  • Yomoni
  • Grisbee
  • Finary
  • Epsor
  • Premium Groupe
  • Ageas France
  • BPI France
  • Scala Patrimoine
  • Shares
  • Thesaurus
  • Crystal Groupe
  • LFPI
  • Mandarine gestion
  • Oaktree Capital Management
  • Rothschild Martin Maurel
  • Lazard Frères Gestion
  • Meeschaert (LFPI Groupe)
  • Abeille Assurance (Aéma groupe)
  • Turenne Groupe
  • Siparex
  • Lucya
  • Oddo BHF
  • Equance
  • Patrimmofi
  • Traffic estimation for Ethenea website
Traffic estimates for the Ethenea website

France - 2020-2021, visitors


  • Main keywords on which the Ethenea website is positioned
Keyword Position Previous position Search Volume
ethenea independent investors 1 1 90
pesarini 1 1 90
sub redite 11 11 480
etna active funds 2 2 70
fonds professionell kongress 2019 wien 3 3 50
ethna 8 8 720
cfa caia 16 16 50

  • Ethenea's main competitors
Domain Competitor Relevance Common Keywords
amundi.at 0,12 1
seedsforfuturememories.com 0,11 1
fundsprofessionell.at 0,09 1
arconfir.blogspot.com 0,08 1
leadersnet.at 0,07 1
tpa-group.at 0,07 1
athora.site 0,06 1
fiamtl.com 0,06 1
fondsprofessionell.de 0,06 1
wealins.com 0,04 1


  • Brand awareness
Estimated online awareness of the Ethenea brand

Google searches with and without brand


  • Examples of online advertising

ETHENEA | LT placement objectives


Would you like to place your assets in good hands for LT? ETHENEA funds. Solid market expertise. Sustainable performance. Quality & continuity. Active fund management.

ETHENEA - LT investment objectives


Do you want your assets to be in good hands for LT? ETHENEA funds. Solid market expertise. Sustainable performance. Quality & continuity. Active fund management.

ETHENEA - LT investment objectives


Do you want your assets to be in good hands for LT? ETHENEA funds. Solid market expertise. Active fund management. Sustainable performance. Quality & continuity.