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Country: France

  • Market research company
  • EMPRIXIA's market studies are designed for the retail sector, for all forms of commerce, from local to large and medium-sized stores, in city centers or on the outskirts.
  • Whether you're planning to set up, expand or take over a retail outlet, or to develop a store network, EMPRIXIA's market studies provide all the characteristics of a site and its catchment area.

Studies mentioning this company

The market for surveys and market research - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • WPP
  • Ipsos
  • BVA Group
  • Médiametrie
  • IFOP
  • CSA
  • Opinion way
  • Odoxa
  • Survey Monkey
  • Yoope
  • Kantar France
  • Mintel Group
  • Plimsoll Publishing
  • Statista
  • Gerson Lehrman Group GLG
  • Factiva (Dow Jones) France
  • Businesscoot
  • Enerdata
  • Emprixia
  • Les Echos Études
  • Xerfi Groupe
  • Asteres
  • Nielsen
  • DMR (Launchmetrics Group)
  • Augure Launchmetrics