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Country: France

Colivys is a company founded in 2017 by Yohan Niddam and Jennifer Levy, who lived in shared flats when they were young.

The company's aim is to facilitate access to housing for students and young professionals, by offering furnished and equipped rooms in several major French cities.

Since its creation, Colivys has welcomed over 1,200 tenants from more than 100 different nationalities.

The Colivys team is made up of over 15 people

The founder of Colivys wants to have an impact on changing society, to help young people develop by democratizing this housing facility in France.

Studies mentioning this company

The river transport market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Marfret
  • Compagnie fuviale de transport - CFT
  • Vedettes de Paris
  • Compagnie des bateaux mouches
  • Transdev
  • E2F
  • Haropa Port - Port du Havre
  • Sogestran Group
  • VNF Voies Navigables de France
  • Coalis
  • Naviland Cargo
  • Viking cruises
  • Château Coliving
  • Chez Nestor (Dovevivo)
  • Coliving.com
  • Colivys
  • Ecla (Uxco Group)
  • Habyt Common
  • Hife Coliving
  • La Roche Cotard Coliving
  • Mansiones Coliving
  • Sharies Coliving
  • Tendoors Coliving
  • Urban campus
  • Uxco Group
  • Woodeum (Altarea)
  • Port de Colmar Neuf-Brisach
  • Rhenus logistics
  • ULS Urban Logistic Solutions
  • Port de Dunkerque
  • Touax