Turnover: ()

Country: France

Nestor is a company offering shared apartments for rent. Nestor stands out for the quality of its accommodation, location and services. The company emphasizes the comfort and conviviality of shared accommodation, encouraging the sharing of community space and offering personalized follow-up for each flatmate. Nestor also promotes the use of technology to facilitate rental management and enhance the user experience.

Studies mentioning this company

The river transport market - France

Other companies mentioned:

  • Marfret
  • Compagnie fuviale de transport - CFT
  • Vedettes de Paris
  • Compagnie des bateaux mouches
  • Transdev
  • E2F
  • Haropa Port - Port du Havre
  • Sogestran Group
  • VNF Voies Navigables de France
  • Coalis
  • Naviland Cargo
  • Viking cruises
  • Château Coliving
  • Chez Nestor (Dovevivo)
  • Coliving.com
  • Colivys
  • Ecla (Uxco Group)
  • Habyt Common
  • Hife Coliving
  • La Roche Cotard Coliving
  • Mansiones Coliving
  • Sharies Coliving
  • Tendoors Coliving
  • Urban campus
  • Uxco Group
  • Woodeum (Altarea)
  • Port de Colmar Neuf-Brisach
  • Rhenus logistics
  • ULS Urban Logistic Solutions
  • Port de Dunkerque
  • Touax