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Country: Italy

Ristorfoods is an Italian company specializing in the production and distribution of high-quality dairy and food products. Founded in 1994 by Gerardo Cuomo, the company expanded rapidly in Italy, distributing its products to every corner of the Aosta Valley, as well as to neighboring regions. In the early 2000s, with the opening of borders between European countries, Ristorfoods expanded its field of activity beyond Italy. Neighbouring France was its first stop, followed by Switzerland, the UK and Greece. The company also set up subsidiaries in each of these countries to strengthen its presence in the European market. In 2012, Ristorfoods acquired Société Valdostana de Ristorazione Alberghiera, strengthening its expertise in the catering sector. In 2015, the company opened its first cash & carry, called Gourmarket, offering direct sales to customers. In 2021, after a period of slowdown due to the pandemic, Ristorfoods launched a complete rebranding with a new logo and brand image.

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