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Country: France

Agence Campus France is a public establishment (EPIC) created in 2010 by the law of July 27. Its main mission is to promote French higher education abroad, facilitate the arrival of foreign students in France, and manage the mobility of students, researchers, experts and guests.

Campus France relies on a worldwide network of over 250 Espaces and Antennes, offering information and advice to international students interested in French higher education.

Campus France manages the mobility of French government grant-holders, researchers, experts and guests in France, taking care of various aspects such as the preparation of the training project, the organization of the stay and the organization of the stay.the agency also provides support to students who are interested in studying in France.

The agency also supports French higher education and research establishments in their international development. It organizes events to promote higher education in France and abroad, responds to international calls for tender, offers services to members of the Campus France Forum, and publishes studies and analyses on student mobility and higher education systems worldwide.